The result of an effort to make research, innovate and satisfy our customers, is the learning and accumulated experience in the treatment of all types of water, drinking water and wastewater. And the consequence, the development during these last years of a product range aimed at obtaining the best performance in the water treatment, whatever its typology, and the sector or industrial activity from which they emanate.

 FERALCO IBERIA is pleased to inform you about the progressive introduction of some of these products in the Spanish and Portuguese market.

 And in this context, we launch UTOFLOC, a solid anti-bulking flocculant of mineral origin destined for WWTP or Industrial WWTP with biological treatment, which suffer from bulking or filamentous foaming episodes. Its great virtue is the drastic and fast reduction of turbidity and suspended solids in the secondary clarifier. It also improves the processes of nitrification and elimination of phosphate. Many plants use polyacrylamide for this purpose but it has been shown that the performance of UTOFLOC is clearly higher. For more information on product characteristics, dosing, format and delivery times, prices, technical assistance, tests, or other issues, do not hesitate to contact our Commercial Department.